Welcome to The Heart of a Mental Health Worker. Time for a little introduction!
Author: Sydney Walker, B.S., QMHP-CS
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My inspiration with this blog all stemmed from a post that I made on my personal facebook that I wrote in the middle of a work day. I called this facebook post “The Heart of a Caseworker.” I wrote this post because I was sitting at work after just having worked with a young man in crisis and I was boiling over with passion, distress and concern with how the world viewed this young man. I had recently graduated with my bachelors in Behavioral Sciences and was getting all of the typical questions from friends and family asking, “so what are you doing? where are you working?” When I would express that I work with people with serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder I always got a similar reaction that full disclaimer, I too once shared, but after having my eyes opened to the reality of these diagnosis, my heart has changed. That is why I am here. I am here to share my heart, because I know that not everyone will have the opportunity to see these diagnosis like I do, so I hope that through me you may learn something and maybe one day have the opportunity to apply it. I hope this helps you look at the world a little differently.
There are several different type of readers that I hope to reach with this blog. The first reader being the one who is struggling with their mental health. This section is for all of the things I remind my clients of as well as the things that I can’t say to them in order to maintain professional boundaries and ethics. The second reader is for the mental health professionals. This is an opportunity for me to share encouragement and a place of familiarity with those in the profession. The third reader is for the new and curious. These are people who maybe are new to the world of mental health and just want to learn and explore a little deeper into what all of this means. The final section is for everyone, this section is for others’ hearts. This section in particular is where I will be sharing others stories (with their consent) and writing from different perspectives and unique experiences.
Disclaimer for Risk
The information and experiences being shared are by no means a replacement for professional advice or services. Any and all information that is applied despite the consequences is not under the responsibility of The Heart of a Mental Health Worker. All information applied is at the risk of the reader. If you or someone you love is at risk of harming themselves or others please utilize the national hotline, 988 or find some help in your local area. There is a resource tab that offers a list of potential resources, but it is not an extensive list.
Disclaimer for Sensitive Subject Matter
The Heart of Mental Health does talk about some sensitive topics such as suicide, homicidal ideations and some topics could be trigger for different audiences. Please use discretion when reading.